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Overview: The Radiation Safety Program (RSP) of the Environmental Health & Safety Department monitors the use, handling, disposal, etc. of Radioactive Material at UAB. A Radioactive Materials License requires that users be trained and a valid application is completed and approved. The training for all authorized users includes initial, refresher, and Licensure and Management Training courses. Radiation Safety staff will assist in completing the applications as needed. Consultation can be scheduled throughout the process to ensure all documentation and lab set up is complete. Both the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) and Radioisotope and Radiation Safety Committee (RRSC) must approve the application. Once approved, you are allowed to order and use Radioactive Material as it is described in the License.

License Application
The licensing process consists of the completion of the UAB Radioactive Materials License application and all associated documentation. These documents include training documents for both the Radioactive Materials Licensee and the Individual Radiation Workers. Specific care for handling waste is required for every license application. A complete description of the procedures for radioactive material use must be submitted as part of the application.

Exposure / Survey Monitoring
Review of your license documentation will include a suggestion about use of meters and dosimetry. Surveys of the lab are conducted during audits conducted by RSP personnel.

Radiation and Human Subjects
Review of a license that includes use of Radiation with Human Subjects will require a review by the RRSC's Sub-Committee for Human Use. Licensees will be audited at least annually.

Radiation and Non-Human Subjects
Review of a license that do not include the use of Radiation with Human Subjects will require a review by the RRSC. Licensees will be audited at least annually.

Call the Radiation Safety Program for more information: 

License Maintenance
All radioactive material licenses are monitored with a Radiation Safety Compliance program that includes, but is not limited to, audits, spot checks and physical radioactive materials inventories. New licenses are issued on a temporary basis for the first full year of active use. After one year the license is renewed for five years. The RRSC may revoke a radioactive materials license whenever individuals refuse to abide by the rules and regulations that govern the conditions of that license or whenever individuals habitually create dangerous or hazardous environments. An individual who has had a license revoked by the RRSC may not use radioisotopes until otherwise approved by the UAB RSO.

Contact Person: Domenica Pringle
Phone number: 934.7418
Email address: dpringle@uab.edu

Forms or Guides: All EH&S forms and guides can be downloaded here. On that page, click on Forms > Radiation for Radiation Safety downloads.