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The Payment Card Industry (PCI) Security Standards Council (SSC) is an open global forum launched in 2006 by the major payment card associations (MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Japan Credit Bureau) to establish a unified set of standards for securely processing, storing, and transmitting payment card information. To protect its customers, the PCI SSC has implemented the PCI Data Security Standards as a security requirement for all merchants and service providers to safeguard sensitive data for all card brands. In order to meet these PCI compliance requirements, the Office of Financial Affairs & Administration has been designated as the central authority for oversight of all UAB payment card processing and related PCI compliance activities, and has partnered with the Office of Information Technology to assist in aligning appropriate technical compliance strategies.

As a result, the UAB PCI Compliance Committee has developed central policies and procedures to provide the functionality and security required to manage various types of transactions at UAB, including web-based and/or traditional processes. Departments desiring to accept payment cards as a form of payment should review the content of this PCI Compliance Support site, or contact the office of the Chief Financial Officer to discuss their business need. All UAB payment card merchants (departments/units) who are approved for accepting payment cards must comply with all UAB and PCI DSS policies, procedures, and standards described on this website.


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