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Individuals performing services for UAB who receive no compensation from any source for this service are referred to as volunteers. If the individual wishes UAB to cover their normal travel costs, Oracle object code 8302050 Volunteer Travel should be used. This object code is to be used for the basic transportation, meals, and hotel costs of an individual for whom it can be clearly established that:

  • The travel was incurred by that individual in the conduct of UAB business.
  • The travel was at the specific request of UAB.
  • The individual received absolutely no compensation of any kind from any source as a result of performing this service for UAB (not even an honorarium).
  • The individual is not an employee of UAB nor an employee of any State entity which would subject them to Alabama per diem rules.

If properly handled, volunteer travel is not reportable to the IRS, nor is it taxable to the individual.

Except for Airfare and hotels room procedures discussed below, volunteers should be informed that they will be responsible for paying the travel expenses incurred in connection with the trip. Reimbursement to the individual volunteer (to the extent permitted by policy) will be made for such costs only after the trip.

Volunteer travel costs should be charged to Oracle object code 8302050 "VolunteerTravel."


Hotel rooms will be reimbursed on a single room rate.


Receipts are required to document all meal expenditures for which the volunteer is requesting reimbursement. Itemized receipts are required for reimbursement of a meal regardless of the dollar amount.

Volunteers cannot be reimbursed for alcoholic beverages or alcohol-related costs under any circumstances.



Employees will be reimbursed based on the employee out-of-state travel guidelines with the IRS mileage rule. Volunteers follow the charitable mileage rate that can be found on the Mileage Rates page.


Employees, prospective employees, prospective employee spouses, volunteers, and guest speakers (but not independent contractors) should purchase airline tickets via the UAB Travel Portal using a UAB P-Card for all UAB business travel.

If an employee chooses to purchase an airline ticket for UAB-related travel outside of the UAB Travel Portal, the employee must purchase the ticket personally and then apply for reimbursement after the trip. Employees should not personally purchase tickets for someone else.

First/Business class airfare is generally unallowable, unless documentation is attached justifying that it was necessary for medical reasons or because reasonable alternatives were clearly not available.

If the UAB Travel Portal is not used, travelers must include the following documentation when submitting the employee travel reimbursement request:

  • Original receipt demonstrating that the traveler, not UAB, purchased the ticket
  • The airline's or travel agency's trip itinerary confirmation or invoice indicating the traveler's name and the fare/cost along with the applicable flight numbers, departure and destination cities, dates, and times.

Personal airline or railroad travel insurance (such as life insurance, disability insurance, ticket cancellation, etc.) are unallowable costs.

Per a ruling by the State Attorney General, UAB may reimburse an employee for a ticket purchased in anticipation of UAB business travel but not used, when the reason for advance purchase was to secure an airline discount, if and only if the trip could not be completed due to conflicting UAB business or a compelling personal reason, i.e., illness or death in the employee's family. Similarly, if a trip's itinerary must be changed due to conflicting UAB business or a compelling personal reason such as illness or death in the employee's family, and as a result additional processing fees are charged, then and only then may UAB reimburse the employee for those processing fees.


  • Documentation: Volunteers should be reimbursed after the trip using an electronic Oracle Payment Request. Original receipts are required for all expense reimbursement items other than baggage-handling tips. The requisition should clearly state that the traveler is a volunteer traveling at the request of UAB, is traveling on UAB business (and state what that business is), and that he/she is receiving no compensation of any kind from any source for rendering this service.
  • Expenses: Volunteers must be reimbursed actual meal/hotel expenses, not per diem.
  • Internet Usage: Internet use can be reimbursed with a statement indicating the business purpose.

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