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A Canvas assignment with plagiarism detection enabled is designed to help maintain academic integrity by checking student submissions for potential plagiarism. When this feature is activated, the paper is checked by Turnitin for plagiarism and AI generated content provided the paper has between 300 and 30,000 words.

Note for users of screen readers: letters in parentheses in the instructions refer to corresponding areas on example images. If you have any questions about these instructions, contact Learning Technologies for assistance.


  1. Go to Assignments (A) tab in canvas and click +Assignment (B).
  2. Select submission type as Online submission (C). Turnitin can only be accessed in Online submission type. Text Entry (D) and File Uploads (E) can be selected for the submission. All other options are not supported by Turnitin. File upload types can be restricted, and they are limited to the types: .docx, .pdf, .txt, and .rtf.
  3. Select the plagiarism review as Turnitin (F), choose to store the submissions in the Standard paper repository (G) or not to store the papers. The submissions can be compared with the student repository, website content, periodicals, journals and publications (H). The Similarity Report options allow the user to exclude bibliographic materials, and small sources (I). The visibility of similarity report can be restricted to students, the access to the similarity report for a submission can be set immediately, after assignment is graded, after due date or never(J)
  4. Click on the Speed Grader (K) to check submitted assignments and Turnitin reports.
  5. Click on the Turnitin report (L) to see the full similarity report.
  6. The similarity report is colour coded with all the sources listed. The sources can be accessed by clicking on the highlighted text. Click on the AI detection (M) to view the AI detection report.
    Note: AI detection in Canvas assignments is a feature that helps instructors identify content generated by AI tools.

  7. The submission breakdown of the AI detection report gives the percentage of text written by AI and AI text which is AI-paraphrased (N).

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